The `to-statements` implementation of `RepositoryConnection` returns a lazy sequence backed by an internal `org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.RepositoryResult`. This class contains a `close` which should be called when the internal sequence has been fully...
The deprecated `grafter.rdf.templater` and `grafter.rdf.repository.registry` namespaces depend on RDF4j classes instead of their sesame equivalents.
The following code: ```clojure (require '[grafter.rdf.repository :as repo]) (let [r (repo/sail-repo)] (repo/query r "SELECT ?b WHERE { BIND(true as ?b) }")) ``` throws the following exception: IllegalArgumentException No implementation of...
Use the scheme of the query URI rather than looking for the default SSL port 443 when setting `use_ssl` on outgoing query requests.
If the query endpoint URI contains user information (i.e. it has the form `https?://user:password@host/path`) set the corresponding basic authentication credentials on outgoing query requests.
If a SPARQL query request returns a 503 'Service Unavailable' response, treat it as a timeout and raise a `Tripod::Errors::Timeout` error.
The explicit `application/sparql-update` content type being set for SPARQL update requests is being overridden by `RestClient` to with a logged warning: > warning: Overriding "Content-Type" header "application/sparql-update" with "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" due...
Add optional `--graph` command-line option which causes quads to be output with the corresponding graph if specified. Also validate that quad output formats can only be used if a graph...
Add a build task to build and optionally publish a docker image. Publish images to the public swirrl repository along with the binaries on a tag.