Laura Harris
Laura Harris
Curators need access to the following metrics, to be generated weekly at 7pm on sunday evening: Detailed specifications are here:
Uploading literature to the old curation app generates an error message. Although we don't plan to use this functionality much longer, this should be investigated in case of a wider...
We sometimes get requests for permission to use the GWAS Catalog logo in a paper or presentation. Helen suggested adding a CC-BY license to the image to remove the need...
Sometimes the Ensembl API returns a blank response. This causes mapping to be overwritten for all associations with a SNP, not just the new one. Change the daily mapping process...
Slides from discussion are here:
Some notes are here: Analyse possibility to display pre-generated filtered diagrams
In the sandbox [Publication management page](, sort by first author and publication date does not work. Sometimes it works on first click, but then no results are shown and the...
Notes tab should be called “Comments” (as previously discussed to avoid confusion with curation notes) Some text should be included on the Notes/Comments tab saying “This page is for general...
Setting curator - the curators are listed in a random order in the dropdown, it should be alphabetical. We discussed removing members no longer working on the project, but this...