Laura Harris
Laura Harris
Some recent submissions produced a celery error for MAF lower limit (value is not a float). The value was entered as a % in the template, whereas only a decimal...
All GxE interaction studies should have the GxE flag set to true (curators assign this by ticking a box in the curation app, or entering information in the submission metadata...
A user requested that we enable sort by trait in the search UI tables, to make the data easier to scan by eye. This _should_ be enabled for both reported...
Since deployment of there are some bugs in the display of the data tables (studies, samples, associations) on the import page e.g. 1. Table should display a blank field...
The ftp password should be changed periodically for security reasons. identify all places in the software that use the pw for programmatic ftp access, and then request the change from...
We found some terms in use in the GWAS Catalog that are not available in EFO and hence causing issues in our user interface. HP_0410139, MONDO_0001039, MONDO_0021081, OBA_2050073, OBA_2050082 in...
I noticed that all the measurements relating to blood pressure and heart rate are not part of the "cardiovascular measurement" branch but a separate branch called "vital signs". Could all...
EBI-wide user survey goes live on 20th May, we need to add a banner to the homepage as described here, and remove in mid June (date TBC):
The traits download does not seem to have been update for several months. A download from 1st March is identical to the 5th May one, and several EFOs that have...
As a curator I want to view curation events in order to determine the history of a publication and its attached submission(s). Tracking used to be at study level in...