Laura Harris
Laura Harris
There are several small issues with data display/population in the whole-Catalog file downloads
From Daniel S: I would like to report an absolutely miniscule bug I found in the format of the download files. You provide study table for the unpublished studies[1] and...
Several users including Ensembl have asked for an easier way to distinguish OR and beta in the associations download. We should add a column to the associations download called "Effect...
These exist on trait pages but not study pages. Link from Gene page to targets n the portal. Annalisa thinks no point in linking to platform at the moment.
Following the recent round of reporting, document any limitations of current usage monitoring and propose improvements that can be implemented before the next reporting period beginning 1st July.
Please prioritise the sumstats associated with this publication for harmonisation
Occasionally SNPs are duplicated during the curation process. It looks like this happens on import to Oracle. If the studies are not yet published, the data release breaks If the...
A user reported the associations download file has missing rows since the latest DR. I verified the number of rows in the file is 508,403 but the number of associations...
We would like to verify whether there is a significant difference in efficiency of the hm pipeline for seq GWAS. 1. Calculate the average % of dropped and unable to...