I am still working on saving a Dashboard with roles attached. This is not working yet because the save function in base.py is not yet converting the list of Role...
Hi @ecederstrand or other supersetapiclient developer, I'm done with the changes I needed to store the Roles of a Dashboard. I have applied these changes to my superset setup and...
ofcourse, I already have a project, but I have to check if it needs to be cleaned a bit more before I can send it.
Hi, I've created a repository for you: https://github.com/ljpeters/engine-trouble The main code is in https://github.com/ljpeters/engine-trouble/blob/main/src/main/java/nl/topicus/enginetrouble/controllers/EngineTroubleController.java I hope you can simply load it into intellij and make it work. A few run...
This looks similar to my reported issue https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-relational/issues/1739 It took some time for me to get redirected to spring-data-relational, so I'm just looking at already reported issues now.