Lauren O'Donnell
Lauren O'Donnell
technically slicer license is not BSD so we can't put BSD. hospital lawyers have approved slicer license
Hi yes now I get a Dec 30 version of SlicerDMRI, more recent than the previous one that was stuck on Dec 12.
Hi I am getting a Dec 30 version of SlicerDMRI on Mac when I install it in Slicer 5.6.1. Is that what we expect? Or do we expect something from...
Hi again. I see two different dates, Dec 12 in the extension itself and Dec 30 in the Extension manager info webpage thing. I am not sure why this is....
Hi Nate. Please re-test with the latest version. Then give us an update. We want the interface to be consistent across all the scripts so that you should not need...
Hi steve should we still merge this cool thing???
This may be fixed now. Please test on your end with a new installation of SlicerDMRI extension. Thank you!
This would be awesome I agree. Thanks for self-assigning this! We should talk because things are converging to work much better as far as the registration (overnight and better result...
Thanks! I just briefly added your script to measure from all subjects here since we want people to use that and not write their own scripts. At some point the...