Libgeodecomp is very helpful to accelerate the legacy code developed using Fortran, so I decided to study this tool. Now I try to build and run the examples, and I...
The initial velocity model is vital to the FWI. Now how can I build the starting velocity model, which is HDF5 format? Many methods can be used to build the...
it is a good tool for geothermal reservoir smulation. Is there any user guide for golem? I wonder what's the mesh generation tool for the multi fracture example running?
Dear Sir: Now I use gcc-5.0, cuda-9.0 and CMAKE-3.19 to compile BG_Flood, but I failed. Could you please give me some hints? Thanks!
I have used amgcl-1.2.- to build opm-simulator, but errors happened. So what's the version of amgcl used for opm-simulator?
I have built opm-simulator-202110 successfully, but I fail to compile opm-simulator-202210. The opm-common (202210), etc. are built successfully. The compilation error showed that: ``` [ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/opmsimulators.dir/opm/simulators/linalg/ExtractParallelGridInformationToISTL.cpp.o...
Dear developer: I noticed all the kernel functions used in HPXCL examples and benckmarks only have one output argument. Can HPXCL accommodate the CUDA kernels with at least 2 output...
When I interrupted the forcing data processing, the GFS or ERA-5 data have to been downloaded once again, the historic downloaded data cannot be read? The downloading elapsed time sometimes...
Fatbox is a good tool for the automatic calculation of the fault network. But I cannot find any information about it's principle. Would you please tell me it's reference ?...
Dear Sir: Sorry for send this mail in github because the email I sent was drawed back. Nowadays I study the RegESM which is a great tool in regional simulation....