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The problem running gameoflife_adcirc and ganmeoflife_hpx
Libgeodecomp is very helpful to accelerate the legacy code developed using Fortran, so I decided to study this tool. Now I try to build and run the examples, and I encountered some problems. I have some questions to consult with you as followings: (1) What's the version of HPX used in libgeodecomp-0.4? What's the matching version of HPX used in libgeodecomp-master? I found the HPX-1.6 can be used for libgeodecomp-master. (2) After I built libgeodecomp-master with HPX-1.6.0 and Silo-4.11 successfully, I run the gameoflife_adcirc. The screen printout told me I should supply some input files for ADCIRC running. (3) I focus on ocean modeling these years, but it's my first time to run libgeodecomp. Could you please give the basic guiding steps to run ADCIRC with libgeodecomp? (4) Is there example code running DGSWEM with libgeodecomp?
Could you please give me some suggestions? Much Thanks. Best Regards, Li Jian