
Results 5 issues of walterlee

I wanna to disable the pan Gesture in inner pages, I tried to set the panGestureEnabled to NO when enter inner page,and Yes back,but it still disabled,How can I solve...

When I add a view with Constraint upon toolbar,it cannot hide and show along with the toolbar;Can you give me some tips? Thanks!

正常的解析一段json的数组,报这个错,以前一直这么用 我的返回数据以及调用是这样的 NSArray * datalist = [NSArray yy_modelArrayWithClass:[NewSearchResult class] json:result[@"list"]]; json { list = ( { IsPackage = 0; PlatNum = 1; objectId = 190944; objectName = "\U5c0f\U59d0\Uff1a\U4f60\U597d\Uff01\U6211\U60f3\U91c7\U8bbf\U4f60\U4e00\U4e0b\U2026\U2026"; objectType =...