I have solved it by replacing the panGestureRecognized delegate method to Controller you wanna eable
@ikesyo Hello i meet similar issues too, would you mind help me with this? It seem that not the same with #50 I have use the lates commit. Error log...
是因为YYModl的这个yy_modelArrayWithClass是category方法,在我的工程中没有被链接加载,在Other-link-Flag中加入$(inherited)就行,涉及到Linker的一些知识 The "selector not recognized" runtime exception occurs due to an issue between the implementation of standard UNIX static libraries, the linker and the dynamic nature of Objective-C. Objective-C does...
@CedricSoubrie I encouter the problems too,but if I remove the .superview,It crash when I call - (BOOL) setConstraintConstant:(CGFloat)constant forAttribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attribute, how did you solved it? And it only happen in iOS...