
Results 22 issues of 刘群

Here are some examples showing how to Convert manual page: - https://github.com/sunaku/md2man#examples > Try converting this example Markdown file into a UNIX manual page: > > ``` > md2man-roff EXAMPLE.markdown...

``` E:\workspace\upstream\droidVncServer\jni>ndk-build Android NDK: WARNING: APP_PLATFORM android-15 is larger than android:minSdkVersi on 4 in E:/workspace/upstream/droidVncServer/AndroidManifest.xml libpng: Ignoring gcc flag -fvisibility=hidden on Cygwin libpng: Ignoring gcc flag -fvisibility=hidden on Cygwin libpng:...

QLCDNumber overflows when input >= 2147483648. (For example: input 9999999999...9) https://github.com/mfitzp/15-minute-apps/blob/b99eb330310fe7302ead39473ef0d34cccb3d12d/calculator/calculator.py#L62-L67 Since integer has an limit of 0x7FFFFFFF(or 2147483647), casting it into float using `self.stack[-1] = float(v)` would be better....

### VueCesium version 2.2.5 ### OS/Browsers version Windows10/Chrome最新版 ### Vue version 3.1.4 ### Reproduction Link 详见 __测试代码__ : ### Steps to reproduce - vue版本:2.6.12 - vue-cesium-v2最新版本:2.2.5 测试发现同时启用arcgis-tiled-elevation地形 vc-navigation导航控件时会导致cesium非常卡顿。 __测试代码__ 如下:...

🔨 Cesium bug

The function name like ipc_get_device() is a little bit misleading. To make the code more readable for new developers, here are some suggestions: * Rename ipc_get_device(&dev) to ipc_fetch_conf(&conf) because it...

Hi everyone! I found an interesting tutorial blog here: [Hello World on the Lichee Tang RISC-V/FPGA board](https://justanotherelectronicsblog.com/?p=470) written by @riktw The blog helps me a lot. Thanks! :smile:

《Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming》原作者发布了第二版 英文书网址: https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/boostasio-c-network-programming-second-edition

I guess some people might prefer deploying their nodejs/flask app using docker images. So I built some images here. Try: ``` docker pull liuqun/tensorflow-mnist:latest # Or docker pull liuqun/tensorflow-mnist:latest-fedora ```...

Memory leaks after every "C_OpenSession()/C_CloseSession()" or "session_init()/session_close()" invocation pair: https://github.com/irtimmer/tpm2-pk11/blob/801f8e69893cd2d6c6531ff77e0dda3fc0a4de76/src/pk11.c#L66-L76 https://github.com/irtimmer/tpm2-pk11/blob/801f8e69893cd2d6c6531ff77e0dda3fc0a4de76/src/pk11.c#L77-L82 **Reason:** In `session_init()`, `tcti_ctx` and `session->context` is assigned with `calloc()`: https://github.com/irtimmer/tpm2-pk11/blob/3b93c1ea4adfea689dcdbb14004e8121a8f0513b/src/sessions.c#L75 https://github.com/irtimmer/tpm2-pk11/blob/3b93c1ea4adfea689dcdbb14004e8121a8f0513b/src/sessions.c#L108 Currently after session_close()/Tss2_Sys_Finalize() is called, both the...

1. ssh-keygen support "RSA, DSA, ECDSA, ED25519" keys by default. Currently, we only have implemented RSA in libtpm2-pk11.so. But "ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -D libtpm2-pk11.so" doesn't work as I expected. For...