打开的时候会在 ~ 下生成 .TIM.unionfs 目录, 一退出里面的内容就没了, 过一会就动不动掉线这事就不说了, 请问这是什么鬼设定?? 逼着我只能用回发不了图片的 longene qqi 了
three static file : botstrap.min.css, bootstrap.min.js, jquery.min.js just can be download with local ? yep, It's cdn link, but sometimes, when the internet has problem... can be set a variable...
I tried to add the [line num]( to the source code , but it failed If use the original: **M-x org-html-export-to-html**, can be generated, but the style was so general,...
Don't consider putting 3.1.0 on cdn? Now the latest 2.6.4 version on cdn, there is a problem with the latest 3.4.1 version of jquery | jquery version | validation-engine version...