为什么在 2.1.0 里面又删除了呢?
I don't understand why `router.matcher = createRouter().matcher` would have so many people agree, at least I did not succeed. vue 2.6.10, vue-router 3.1.2 And I tried to add a few...
In addition, after I added the following style, a single error prompt will be output to a line(as in the above figure, `* Not a valid` and `integer` are output...
jquery 3.4.1: fail jquery 3.2.1: success `$.validationEngine.defaults.scroll = false` and `$form.validationEngine('validate', { scroll: false })` are not in effect in query 3.2.1, `{ promptPosition : "topLeft" }` is...
I'm sorry, I did not express clearly I modified the code to the following ```js var flag = $form.validationEngine('validate', { promptPosition: "topLeft", scroll: false }); if (!flag) { return; }...
搜到很多都是说 `router.matcher = createRouter().matcher`, 然而我并没有成功, 不是很懂官方为什么只有一个 add, 哪怕多给一个 clear 都好啊. 还有个必须把 * 放在最后这种限制(当使用 [history]( 的时候) 一开始初始的 router 里面通常是有 * => 404 的, 结果导致后面 add 进去的根本就路由不到, 只能再刷新一下页面重新 create 一次才行