Lingxiao Guo
Lingxiao Guo
Hi, I have the same problem as you, but I don't know CMake very well, can you please give some more detailed instructions? About how to print variables and where...
It seems that isaacgym can only make envs at once. If you want to create different robots at once, I suggest you to invoke " gym.create_actor()" to create multiple robots....
Yes I solved it. Using gym.create_actor() instead of create_env. Check the docs/index.html located in your isaacgym packages for detailed usage. Also you can find the usage in the example ""...
Get the same result! Do you find any reason or find how to solve this? Thanks!
Thank you very much for your email response! However, I haven't checked github for a long time, and only saw your reply today. Sorry about that haha. Regarding the assumption...