
Results 29 comments of chun

Also, other question is how to get the ground truth file of test data and convert to txt format? Yow know, test data in most dataset don’t provide label information.I...

Test data usually cannot provide ground truth, does it?发自我的iPhone------------------ Original ------------------From: WaqarAliMemon Date: Wed,Oct 9,2019 2:32 PMTo: Cartucho/mAP Cc: ChunmianLin , Author Subject: Re: [SPAM] Re: [Cartucho/mAP] how to get...

Hi. all. I hope to see the implementation of pseudo LiDAR in mmdetection3d. And also, I think more visualization of data processing and detection result are required, too. Thanks.

还有个问题也想请问下,下图: ![Screenshot from 2020-09-28 23-19-58]( ![Screenshot from 2020-09-28 23-19-43]( 我是使用DETRAC的cfg文件作为data_cfg,但是这边的data_dir指的是什么呢,我不太明白这地方是否需要修改;此外在下方的dataset部分这里用的是jde,是否需要修改为其他呢?

@dolongbien thanks for your great works. Could you please publish your dataset? I am very interested in traffic accident detection, and recently I want to make some related work. But...

@dolongbien Thanks for your help. But it seems the link cannot open, and I still fail to get the data. Could you please check the dataset link correctly?

@dolongbien Thanks. It is so strange that I could open google website and search what I want, but the link you provide fails. Do you have any other method to...


感谢!你推荐的这个,里面的东西有点多,我整的有点蒙。我可以直接参考官网 darknet install里面的内容吗,如果编译通过的话,是否可以直接运行这个项目中yolo_darknet进行测试呢?

谢谢!有个问题就是我按照darknet官网配置时会报出致命错误,见下图: ![Screenshot from 2020-05-30 14-07-32]( ![Screenshot from 2020-05-30 14-07-32]( 不知你是否碰过这个问题,该如何解决呢。 或者,你是按照AlexeyAB大神的步骤配置的环境是吗,能否说下主要是按照他那个项目中哪些步骤进行配置的呢? 总是卡在环境配置这步,无法前进,很痛苦。感谢回复!