Emil Holm Gjørup
Emil Holm Gjørup
There should be an error message if `model` doesn't return what `view` needs. ```js const model = ({a, b}) => { ... return Now.of({c, d}); } const view = ({c,...
Remove listeners when components are removed from DOM to avoid memory leaks.
Since it is about time to start focusing a bit on the documentation, I think it is important to have a sweet logo. I have almost no experience with designing...
I would be nice to have some tools to help with describing transitions with behaviors. I imagine an API like this: ```ts const config = { duration: 5, timingFunction: linear,...
The following code ``` ts findLast(a => a < 3, [1,2,3,4]); ``` makes typescript throw this error: `Property 'foldr' is missing in type 'number[]'.`
The current implementation of LEB128 for CIS2 token amounts uses checked addition to prevent overflowing when parsing each byte. Depending on the integer byte size, the overflow will not be...
We would like to ensure that the gRPC API of the node cannot be used to influence the node's ability to keep up with the network. Before we implement any...
Starting from protocol version 7, make sure the hashing schemes for (re)genesis blocks are consistent with the general hashing scheme.
To reduce the work needed for light client implementations, starting from Protocol version 7 the block hash should include the protocol version.
The gRPC API of the concordium node should provide an endpoint `InstanceStateMembershipProof` for constructing merkle membership proofs of a given key and value in the state of a given instance...