Maolin Li

Results 6 issues of Maolin Li

### 前置确认 - [X] 我确认我运行的是最新版本的代码,并且安装了所需的依赖,在[FAQS](中也未找到类似问题。 ### ⚠️ 搜索issues中是否已存在类似问题 - [X] 我已经搜索过issues和disscussions,没有跟我遇到的问题相关的issue ### 操作系统类型? MacOS ### 运行的python版本是? python 3.10 ### 使用的chatgpt-on-wechat版本是? Latest Release ### 运行的`channel`类型是? wxy(个人微信, wechaty) ### 复现步骤 🕹 railway一键部署...

status: needs check


I had the following question the first time I ran this: **Error file**:'Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/mli/.conda/envs/banmo-cu113/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nerfacc/cuda/", line 53, in from nerfacc import csrc as _C ImportError: cannot...

Thank you for your contribution! There seems to be an issue:

First of all, thank you for your contribution. I got the file of camera argues from colmap, is it possible to use it as input to lab4d?

在vs code 里面使用,点击图标 一直在加载,出现如下错误提示:command 'gpt-runner.openChat' not found
