Sergey Bronnikov

Results 55 comments of Sergey Bronnikov

I would love too. Will you prepare a patch?

Yes, I confirm it. I hope to fix it some day.

Short reproducer: ```lua -- $ luarocks install --local lunitx 0.8-1 -- $ luarocks install --local lua-cjson -- $ LUA_PATH=$(luarocks path --lr-path) LUA_CPATH=$(luarocks path --lr-cpath) luajit mini.lua -- -- LUA_PATH="?/init.lua;./?.lua;/home/sergeyb/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/home/sergeyb/.luarocks/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua"...

As a possible solution we can cut filename in dp->d_name when it's length is more than 51 symbols. If you have no objections I'll make a patch.

@vinipsmaker I made a patch that add a fault injection `errinj_1byte_read` that limits amount of data on every `read()` by a single byte. Could you check that fault injection works...

> I think I can give it a try by next month. Good, I will wait for your feedback.

@vinipsmaker How to check the new fault injection with 1-byte read: ```sh $ git clone $ git checkout ligurio/gh-86 $ cd unreliablesfs $ cmake . $ make -j $...

> It's not working at all. > The `read()` syscall returns `-1` and `errno` is set to `EINTR`. Thanks. I'll take a look.

Yet another example of bit flip in production: - Отъявленные баги и как их избежать на примере ClickHouse - A malformed znode prevents ClickHouse from starting #780
