Sergey Bronnikov

Results 55 comments of Sergey Bronnikov

It seems so: ```lua tarantool> function predicate(i, x) return i % 2 == 0 end --- ... tarantool> predicate --- - 'function: 0x40d2f9b0' ... tarantool> range = fun.range(10) --- ......

The same for `filter()`: ```lua tarantool> g1, param, state = fun.filter(function(x) return x % 3 == 0 end, fun.range(10)) --- ... tarantool> g1 --- - state: 0 gen: 'function: 0x41f93bc8'...

Detailed description of `pluck()` function in R documentation -

@aphyr Heh, thanks for explanation, Kyle :) Seems both are useful.

I faced the same problem. The steps to reproduce are as follows: - Create a file with name `main.c` with content below C code ```c #include #include #include #include char...

@TwoTwenty, thanks! Could you create a PR?

Seems you are using clusterfuzzlite on Github free runners. If it is so, you can cleanup space on runner before running fuzzing. I recently encountered the same problem and here...

this happened because timeout in GH workflow (`fuzz-seconds`) [^1] is equal to timeout in Default value is 600 seconds, [^1]: [^2]: I suspect it is better...

> I think in that context it may make sense to boil down the findings of Fuzz Introspector to a given score [0:100] which could be attached to the badge....

clang 15 segfaults on linking fuzzing binaries, see What is a right way to bump clang in a docker image?