Philippe Lieser

Results 97 comments of Philippe Lieser

Thanks for the list will look at it more closely in the next weeks. One think I already noticed is ``. Can you please confirm that only messages from

Thanks for the additional domains. Can you please answer my question about I asked in my first comment? Thanks.

Currently taking a closer look at the domains. As you are only listing the signing domain (SDID), and not the from address, I will assume that the domain of the...

Added icons and rules for the domains. Note that: - I assumed `` is a typo for `` - For ``/`` I used the icon of the `` domain. The...

Added icons and rules for the additional domains.

Thanks for bringing this up. To use the current time was a deliberate choice as I wanted to rely on the message content as less as possible, so that the...

I did not want to randomly add PayPal also for other top level domains without knowing that PayPal is actually using them. But thanks for suggesting to use the information...

Added a lot more local PayPal domains in a90433996de26657b97c4ec4aec313a4eec10680.

The default for objects in Botan is that no thread safety is guaranteed. So unless an API explicitly states that concurrent access is thread safe you have to unsure yourself...

If the mentioned patch did not help please reopen this issue and provide more information.