Philippe Lieser

Results 97 comments of Philippe Lieser

Still have to actually test it but seems like the [`navigator.onLine`]( property and the [`online`]([`offline`]( events could be used to implement this.

A problem I see with this is that the verification is rather slow. Because of this, doing multiple verifications at the same time will probably result in a rather unresponsive...

I assume you are talking about Unfortunately I do not have an exchange account to test this myself. > The debug console also shows nothing when I click an...

Does this issue still exists? If yes, did you contact the authors of Owl?

Currently this is expected behavior (see below for details). Changing the DNS settings instead of restarting Thunderbird completely should also help. I will leave this open as a feature request,...

Hi, thanks for the feedback. Out of interest, did you see the info written at There the limitation of only supporting TCP is documented. But I agree, the help...

Got to see that the log contains the expected `refused a TCP connection` error. But it would probably be good to expose that error in the UI, instead of just...

@Tazmaniac Note that the master branch of the add-on should now work again with the latest daily version of TB ( Let me know if I should create a packed...

Thanks for the suggestion. The current tables certainly could benefit from some improvements. See also #248. As a workaround: - For the signers rules you could use the export, manually...

You could try manually adding the exist guard to the line added by the extension yourself. e.g..: ```diff - + ``` At least in the small experiment I did, the...