Bryan Lee

Results 30 issues of Bryan Lee

## Prelude * Could you find answer in below documents? 1. [FAQ]( / [常见问题]( 1. [README]( / [读我]( N/A * Have you searched your problem in [issues]( #1314 ## Error...

## Describe the bug Git error during deployment ## Reproduction Steps 1. Push the code 2. Run CI 3. See error ## Logs [issue.log]( ## Workflow ``` name: Publish concurrency:...

triage ⚠️

## Screenshot Check out the update from Fig itself, which is already the latest version.


### Verify canary release - [X] I verified that the issue exists in Next.js canary release ### Provide environment information ``` $ next info Operating System: Platform: darwin Arch: x64...

kind: bug
area: TypeScript

## Bug report ### Current Behavior When more than one form instance exists, changing the value by the A form triggers a change in the initial value of the B...

Type: Bug

## System info - Google Chrome Version 98.0.4758.80 (Official Build) (x86_64) ## Screenshot ## Other 不确定是哪个版本出的问题,因为我不是天天使用,但印象中 22.1.10 左右还是没这个问题的

### Describe the bug After running the `source .zshrc` command, the color of the auto prompt is displayed incorrectly and is not grayed out. ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce...


### Summary: Updated the runs-on to macos-12. [GitHub Actions The macOS 10.15 Actions runner image is being deprecated and will be removed by 8/30/22]( ### Test Plan: n/a

![tim 20180702162946](


### 问题说明 - 发现日志里每隔 1个小时就会规律的出现这行信息,暂时没发现有受影响/不能正常使用的功能,但还是很不解这行日志的含义是什么 ``` Mar 12 06:36:45 kernel: oooWPAParseEapolKeyData : the Group install (1) Mar 12 07:36:45 kernel: oooWPAParseEapolKeyData : the Group install (1) Mar 12 08:36:45 kernel:...