Bryan Lee

Results 59 comments of Bryan Lee

![image]( 试了一下,这个翻译效果差强人意啊...

> > ![image]( > > 试了一下,这个翻译效果差强人意啊... > > hhh...差强人意:(褒义)大体上还能使人满意。。不过我感觉对于日常翻译和报刊翻译来说deepl确实感觉比谷歌准确性好一些。。 我认为是中性词,偏向于褒义,不过我看很多人都把它当作贬义词来用。 从我那句话的上下文来看,我的意思是「没那么惊艳,甚至还没有已经内置的一些翻译工具表现好」,并没有说它一无是处;因此你这个回复,我没看懂,并且我图上也没有谷歌翻译

> Interesting. I was not able to reproduce the issue on my side. I downloaded build 440 from their website and was able to update to build 450 through Latest....

@zkochan As mentioned by @biro456, when installing pnpm on CI, use the following command: ``` curl -f | node - add --global pnpm ``` run `pnpm add -g pkg`,...

@zkochan I have the same issue, I need to [enable the `node-linker=hoisted`]( option because of the facebook/metro issue. But when I enable this option, I get this error.

@zkochan Any progress on that? None of the above works.

@fatso83 `stmux` is not installed in my project. ``` ❯ yarn why stmux yarn why v1.22.17 [1/4] 🤔 Why do we have the module "stmux"...? [2/4] 🚚 Initialising dependency graph......

> Oh, sorry, that was more means as a conceptual hint. I was too tired to add that. Replace `stmux` with whatever package is installling a `node-gyp` related package :-)...

@arty-name The error I encountered is as follows Full error log ``` ❯ yarn storybook zsh: correct 'storybook' to '.storybook' [nyae]? n yarn run v1.22.10 $ start-storybook -s .storybook/public -p...

> I have the same issue but i suspect that it is not a re-rendering problem, instead it might have to do with the Automatic batching introduced in React 18....