Junwei Lian

Results 15 issues of Junwei Lian

### Description Parse the swagger document and display the customized header. ### Task List 1.Parse the swagger document and display the customized header. The next two items are completed by...

status: volunteer wanted

### Description Disadvantages of local cache: when the admin cluster is deployed, large objects need to be stored on each instance, and the problem of how to synchronize cluster instances...

status: volunteer wanted

### Description The current situation is: shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.005",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.01",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.025",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.05",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.075",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.1",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.25",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.5",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="0.75",} 3.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="1.0",} 1505.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="2.5",} 2351.0 shenyu_execute_latency_millis_bucket{le="5.0",} 3349.0...

status: volunteer wanted
feature: metrics

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Current Behavior ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13819823/163129954-7a2596f1-36fc-46a8-adfc-e6b0fe9f506d.png) ### Expected Behavior Solution: 1.The size of the "handle" field...

type: bug

一.description. - Conductor version: v3.10.1 - Persistence implementation: Postgress conductor.db.type=postgres spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql:// spring.datasource.username=test spring.datasource.password=test123 spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size=10 spring.datasource.hikari.minimum-idle=2 - Lock: Redis Conductor server: application.properties is as follows: conductor.app.workflowExecutionLockEnabled=true conductor.workflow-execution-lock.type=noop_lock conductor.redis-lock.serverType=single conductor.redis-lock.serverAddress=redis:// conductor.redis-lock.namespace=conductor 1....

Only the following two projects are added with swagger: 1.shenyu-examples-http Conditions for generating interface documents: only the classes annotated with "ApiOperation" can generate interface documents 2.shenyu-examples-springcloud Conditions for generating interface...

**Describe the bug** Running the workflow takes too long. Is the conductor suitable for real-time scenarios?I hope to get guidance from friends in the community. Mine has an api that...

**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **Details** Conductor version: 3.11.0 Persistence implementation: redis Queue implementation: redis Lock: Redis Workflow definition: Task definition: Event...


**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **Details** Conductor version: 3.11.0 Persistence implementation: Redis Queue implementation: Redis Lock: Redis Workflow definition: `{ "createTime": 1663828820563,...

detail,see: #5055 Make sure that: - [x] You have read the [contribution guidelines](https://shenyu.apache.org/community/contributor-guide). - [x] You submit test cases (unit or integration tests) that back your changes. - [ ]...