Junwei Lian
Junwei Lian
公司:滴滴(下面某一级事业部门) 网址:https://www.didiglobal.com LOG: https://website.didiglobal.com/dist/media/logo-zh.a7abd90d.svg 地点:中国北京 联系方式:lianjianghe(wechat)、[email protected](email) 场景:部署了3套网关,对应3种使用场景:API网关(设备)、业务网关(人)、签名网关(server)。
I will complete this function.
I will complete this function.
> I once thought the unit was seconds. However, according to the time consumption statistics of my printed logs, most requests are less than 500ms. 95% of the requests take...
The statistics are weird. I continued to observe for some time.
> I can fix it. Consider optimizing from the following two points. 1. Increase the length of the database field. 2. Consider compress the JSON string volume by shortening the...
@Sunyelw Are you going to use it in a real-time scene? I am also researching the conductor, add my WeChat account: "lianjianghe", let's communicate together.
> Hello @lianjunwei how is your worker configed to poll tasks: https://github.com/Netflix/conductor/blob/main/client/src/main/java/com/netflix/conductor/client/automator/TaskRunnerConfigurer.java#L174? Seemed to me that it is just polling from that specific instance? You might want to check your...
> @jxu-nflx postgres
> @lianjunwei I am looking for your setting for https://github.com/Netflix/conductor/blob/main/client/src/main/java/com/netflix/conductor/client/automator/TaskRunnerConfigurer.java#L174? > > > > According to your guess, if my conductor server deploys 10 instances, it will take 10 rounds...