Karl Liang
Karl Liang
**Describe the bug** When I simply open the [main.c](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/init/main.c) and toggle window by :Vista!!, the function name of those carrying "__init" descriptor would show "__init" only, instead of the real...
The reproduced steps are as follow: 1. `touch test.txt` and enter `tig` 2. In the status view, press `u` to add the `test.txt` 3. Now the `test.txt` is in stage...
Since some buffer types are unnecessary to enable this plugin, it would be useful to have a function that allows manual disabling or enabling of the plugin. Alternatively, the function...
As mentioned in #93
**Describe the bug** If there are some buffers are unlisted, the buffer section would still have those buffers listed as the `ignored = true` did not contain unlisted buffers in...
I love this simple tool, but I found out a problem here. In shell script, the `null` value matches the string check inconvenient since `[ -z $var ]` is usually...
Hi, I've found there is no option to customize the keybind. Is it possible to add the feature? Thanks!
Hi @ryanker, Thanks for this great browser extension for translation, I have a great experience with it. However, could you support `translate.google.com` instead of forcing to use `translate.google.cn` in the...
**Describe the feature you'd like** Add a option for choosing different sorting method for result. I'm working on a multiple large projects environments and each project has similar tools or...