Karl Liang
Karl Liang
Same issue as yours. Could someone help with this?
In my case, it seems like guess-indent settings were overridden by editorconfig, making nvim look like guess-indent wasn't executed. Once I disabled editorconfig or ensured that editorconfig was executed before...
> I've run into a similar use case: > > It's handy to be able to drop a stash in the stash view. > > ``` > bind stash Q...
I use Vista only because there is no better choice, or even second choice, of another LSP-supported function list. The problem of failed to open or, precisely, delayed to open...
Uh, tig would show the message, _fail to update files_.
Thanks. It's worked that unstage `text.txt` in the status view. However, I think it's quite weird that we couldn't unstage files in the stage view.
If possible, I'd like to suggest `tig` to correct this SW behavior with the lowest priority. :)
Related to #93
One time, after I updated `nvim`, nvim always prompt out the same errors as yours. I spent some time to fix it and found out that I have to remove...
I have checked v0.10.4. This issue still happens. In some terminal emulators, this issue even made `skim` unusable since the TUI would be messed up.