Lukas Fittl

Results 10 issues of Lukas Fittl

Currently a query that uses has_and_belongs_to_many (habtm) will not pull in the tenant_id for the habtm table itself. This happens even if the table includes the tenant_id as an additional...

The next release is going to add a query monitor feature that hints you at queries that might be missing the tenant_id filter because there is no wrapping MultiTenant.with(..) block:...

The previous code assumed that both IndexTupleData and ItemIdData exist once per index key (by multiplying the struct size with entry->ncolumns), when in fact these structs only exist once per...

The RDS log download looks at any log file that was modified in the last two minutes, to make sure to not miss any data when a new log files...

This has been around for a while, and has multiple different users outside of pganalyze, thus the experimental notion is no longer necessary. Fixes #146

Issue to track support of Windows - currently it is not supported, in part due to build process, in part because the code extraction from Postgres intentionally ignores Windows code.

Due to the way how pg_stat_all_tables and pg_statio_all_tables are defined, its significantly more expensive to query through the views when a table filter is in place, since all the data...

This is mainly intended to support Kubernetes, by using fluentbit with the opentelemetry output plugin to send pod logs to the collector. The logs received can optionally be filtered by...

This needs more investigation, but parking this here to document the issue.