Lukas Fittl

Results 125 comments of Lukas Fittl

@ermolaev Sorry, been very busy. Thanks for your contribution! It seems that this wouldn't work if the id column was not listed first in the table - is there a...

@ermolaev Sorry for not getting back about this - could you re-base this PR?

@vitaly-t Good point, I should refactor that a bit - I'll see what I can do. (and thanks for pg-promise, big fan!)

@bensheldon Thanks for opening this issue! I'm wondering if you're seeing some kind of conflict with another gem. Where does the `unless SqlPatches.should_measure?` come from?

> So while it would be nice to not have the code "lie" about the underlying calculation, simply applying this patch without fixing the other problems will lead to greatly...

@GeertJohan Yes - thats a good point, and a known issue in a sense. We'll have to adjust the logic we use for retrieving OS statistics to be cgroup-aware, i.e....

Hi @joekohlsdorf Thanks for the the report (and sorry for having missed this issue) - this is likely due to problems with the SQL text requiring a newer Postgres version....

@joekohlsdorf FWIW, that PR is unfortunately not in a state that can be merged at this time - but point taken. We're prioritizing this and hope to have an update...

@booleanbetrayal Parser work is 90% done (some minor outstanding items:, I would say its realistic to have this available in the next 1-2 weeks.

@barillax Still actively working on it - the main pending item is some fingerprinting updates we need to make (so that all new SQL syntax is correctly identified/grouped together). Expecting...