Alexander Blom
Alexander Blom
The REQUEST_CHANNEL frame currently (like all the other request frames) contains the downstream initial N. This allows the server to immediately send down data. However the reverse isn't possible, the...
METADATA_PUSH is currently ignored for resumption which you could argue is incorrect as metadata as part of REQUEST_* frames are tracked. You could also argue the opposite way that client...
We need to wrap the requester to due some application logic (specifically queue requests), but this isn't possible/easy due to it actually owning the state machine.
The docs says this: > Else either a ConnectionException or a ResumptionException is raised. However this isn't true as the exception is simply rethrown instead of being wrapped.
Filing so I don't forget. We never use other values than `GRACEFUL` and `ERROR` from `StreamCompletionSignal`. There is an assert here that can never trigger because of this: For...