Results 73 issues of Lewis Baker

This is needed for #41. Also consider adding support for using `co_await` to unwrap an `expected` value inside a function that returns `expected`. See for inspiration.

@ericniebler's recent blog entry, [Ranges, Coroutines, and React: Early Musings on the Future of Async in C++](, contained the following code-snippet that showed how `async_generator` could be used to read...

Once eager tasks are eliminated in #29 it will make it no longer possible to start executing a task on a single thread that enters the `io_service::process_events()` event loop. The...

Please add comments here to discuss or provide feedback on

Comments and questions welcome on the post [C++ Coroutines: Understanding Symmetric Transfer](

Please add comments to this issue for discussion of the article [Coroutine Theory](

The via() and on() algorithms currently take a sender that represents the execution context transition rather than taking the scheduler. This means the caller needs to explicitly call `schedule(s)` to...


This should avoid the use of thread_local but should also allow us to detect whether a context's run() method is executing regardless of whether there is a nested io_uring_context::run() method...
