Results 75 issues of Roman Leventov

new functionality
JCF Compatibility


Performance & Benchmarks

Naming: `element()`/`first()`/`getFirst()`.

API & Naming
new functionality

Currently hash table implementations return ordinary impl, which scan the whole table unsuccessfully, that is rather ineffective in this case. Depends on #12.

Performance & Benchmarks

``` net.openhft.collect.CharSets { CharSet empty(); // immutable CharSet singleton(char e); // immutable CharCollection asImmutable(Collection ) } { CharShortMap emptyMap(); // immutable asImmutableMap(char[] keys, char[] values); asImmutable(Map map); } ```...

API & Naming
new functionality

`guava-testlib` doesn't cover this. The easiest way is probably to extend guava library. Or wait when this will be implemented by Guava developers (but ,probably they won't).

JCF Compatibility
Java 8

new functionality
JCF Compatibility

`guava-testlib` doesn't cover this. This partially could be done by importing tests from [fastutil]( and [HPPC]( It is OK because both libraries have Apache 2 license.


Corrently simply mutable container created first, then it's state moved to immutable. For example: This approach cause considerable GC overhead, if someone is going to create many small containers.

Performance & Benchmarks

The same trick as in rehash is applicable here: we can assume each inserted key is not already present in the set. If keys are objects, equivalences of source and...

Performance & Benchmarks