Results 70 comments of Roman Leventov

Looks like it might be inline monospaced text (that appears when you use backticks `` when editing Medium post).

I think creating daemon threads and/or using shutdown hooks is wrong in a "stateless" library like zstd-jni. @luben [link]( in the first message of this issue leads to an example...

@scottcarey this is pretty much what does the code linked in the first message in this thread do. It just probes "sun.misc.Cleaner" and "jdk.internal.ref.Cleaner" directly. "java.lang.ref.Cleaner" can be added to...

Other lists that I've found: - -

@mcabbott thanks. As an anecdote, I arrived at this workaround myself, but it took me significant time lurking around the documentation and trying to connect the dots. I think it...

+1. BooleanOpenHashSet and BooleanArraySet should be deprecated.

Design and implementation could probably draw a lot from Guava's `ImmutableSortedMap` (see `RegularImmutableSortedSet`), which is implemented using a simple sorted array.

I stumbled upon this issue because I have a case where I want to sort a "regular" fastutil's ArrayMap. It would be nice if fastutil's ArrayMaps had methods like sortByKeys()...