
Results 6 issues of lesander

As said in #7, CSV export seems to be broken. Only the first 20 entries are visible in the exported sheets. JSON export seems to be fine. Perhaps we should...

help wanted

Moving or copying files does not seem to work with the storage adapter: ``` >>> $disk->assertAbsent("Background.png") League\Flysystem\FileExistsException with message 'File already exists at path: Background.png' >>> $disk->assertPresent("BackgroundNew.png") League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException with message...

With `2.0.0` released, I will now focus on the following features for the next releases. ## 2.2.0 - [ ] Add rudimentary support for `7.0.1`. - [x] Make sure no...

This will be `2.1.0` of FritzBox.js Some of the changes: - improve CI & local tests - fix tests with newer node versions - fix JSDoc warnings - clean up...

Hello there, Yesterday, my map seems to have been reset (or I pressed some button I'm unaware of). The thing is, when I tried to re-explore the area around my...

Fixes the following game-breaking error on Ubuntu (python 2.7.6): ``` File "snake/graphics.py", line 16, in drawTile screen.addstr(y, x, tile, color) _curses.error: addstr() returned ERR ``` See this thread for more...