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Document the WarCraft 3 API
> Existed in 1.32.10 as an undocumented native (available via Lua). > Completely removed in v1.33.0.18897 PTR. Is there a chance to add this info manually?
https://lep.duckdns.org/app/jassbot/doc/TriggerSleepAction via #60 Assigned: myself Tasks: 1. Verify if TSA continues ticking when F10 is pressed in Singleplayer /or/ Game paused in multiplayer 2. How it is affected by base...
See this discussion: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/selections-and-desyncs.244932/ IsUnitSelected, SyncSelections,
Before [1.24c](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Warcraft_III/Patch_1.24c): did not properly handle groups with destroyed (null) units > * Fixed a minor memory leak when using GroupEnum natives. https://web.archive.org/web/20200918161954/http://wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=104464
I think event constants like `EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT` and `EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED` are interesting because they control bindings. For example, `EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGE` contexts have no binding for `GetAttacker()`, but _do_ have a binding for `GetEventDamageSource()`.
One of my pressing reasons, to move Lucan's Frames doc here and [to link every undescribed function](https://wc3modding.info/6421/functions-getsoundisplaying/) from moyacks jassdoc -> here, was to "unify" the search. To not waste...
https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/can-this-desync.279261/ https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/desync-on-start.309011/
I think it could be interesting to know how certain BJ functions work, for example cinematic/UI functions, and melee initialization functions.
 18:56 ^ two craters of r = 256, depth = -128 18:56 step size 8 18:57 starting at -256 - 16  ^ step-size 4  ^ step-size 2...