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TerrainDeformCrater - shape/approximation
18:56 <Cokelounge> ^ two craters of r = 256, depth = -128 18:56 <Cokelounge> step size 8 18:57 <Cokelounge> starting at -256 - 16
^ step-size 4
^ step-size 2
- GetTerrainZ() interpolates over adjacent heightmap datapoints
- No values are modified outside radius r
- Applying the same crater with the same parameters just hits the same heightmap values by the same magnitude - i.e. the heightmap is modified by a pure function of (x, y, r, depth)
- [x] Are the interpolated values linear over their cell?
- [x] When duration parameter is set, how is the modification applied? linearly?
- [x] What is the cell size?
- [ ] How does the crater behave for radius and height values that are not divisible by the cell size? What about for x and y?