Leo Stratus
Leo Stratus
Hey folks, loving this package. From time to time I'll be running training and get the following error: ``` /home/ubuntu/torch-cl/install/bin/luajit: /home/ubuntu/torch-cl/install/share/lua/5.1/torch/File.lua:134: write error: wrote 0 blocks instead of 1 at...
It sucks still. Probably I should be doing the UNIX timestamps in C and not using the Cocoa APIs to solve this problem.
If you're focussed on a smaller node and pan around the node, sometimes it will change from a rich orange to the glow-color that @apike applied. It's almost as if...
Some tweaking required on this visual effect for smaller nodes. Looks a little strange right now. Increase width and opacity of the glow by about 30-50% for these nodes, maybe?
Really exciting to see the globe visualization in action! As polish, let's see about drawing traceroute paths in arcs along the 'surface' of the globe.