Leonardo Maldonado
Leonardo Maldonado
I'd definitely be open to create a website for 33 JavaScript concepts. How could it look though? Is there any examples of projects like this that we could look up...
Hi Fahim, I'm glad you'd like to contribute to this project. You can clone the repository and make the translation for your language. After you translate it, you can create...
Yes, I think this is a really great idea. We should do something like this in the future.
Yeah, sounds good!
I think this is already implemented no? When you create a Post, you must add an Author and this Author is an _id referencing to a specific User. I'll run...
Well, I think this might be a problem, don't know how to fix that yet 😐
Well, if you find any solution for this issue, feel free to send a PR, I'll love to merge
Wow, thanks for that @eclectic-coding. I will see if I can find some time this week to do some upgrades in this boilerplate and include the `react-app-polyfill` for IE11 support....
I'll open a PR then and we can start from there. I'd love to receive some feedback about the machine and improve it to be the most reliable possible. When...
I think it would be fine if it was in this pull request. What are your thoughts about it so far, @tomByrer?