Leonardo Lower
Leonardo Lower
Hi @john-light if you are still interested I'd love to help with this issue.
Cool! I was thinking on a [probot](https://github.com/probot/probot) app hosted on [Now](https://zeit.co/now) or Heroku. It would listen for new issues / PRs, extract the links from the text and compare them...
Yes, I would recommend keeping the bot on a separate repository and adding instructions for submitters on this repo's readme of issue templates.
Hello, we've made some progress on the bot. I have configured it on a dummy repository as an example: https://github.com/leolower/drone-test/issues On that repo you can see that issues have different...
By the way, you can submit issues with links on that repo to test it. If you like it I can provide instructions on how to set it up on...
Hi! Any news on this? Let me know if you have suggestions or changes you want to make on the app.