Leonardo Losoviz

Results 55 comments of Leonardo Losoviz

Hi, thx for your response. It's not in my plans to fork the repo and play with it right now since I'm overloaded with work, but I wouldn't mind helping...

good, thx for your suggestion. I'll be waiting for feedback: whenever you decide on your strategy and need help, please let me know :)

Maybe can downgrade the common instances to phpdoc? For instance, could already convert `#[Deprecated]` to `/** @deprecated */` ([RFC](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecated_attribute)) And then, keep unknown ones as attributes? Possibly allow developers to...

I have no clue myself, but I suggest you check [Strauss](https://github.com/BrianHenryIE/strauss) instead of Mozart. Strauss is a fork of Mozart which is being actively developed, and its author is responsive,...

I searched for documentation, but didn't find anything. The GitHub Action docs only explain how to [exit from `entrypoint.sh`](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/setting-exit-codes-for-actions#setting-a-failure-exit-code-in-a-docker-container-action). So I have no clue how to fix this.

Was there also the intention to incorporate an explorer widget, to click on fields and add them to the query, similar to [`OneGraph/graphiql-explorer`](https://github.com/OneGraph/graphiql-explorer)?

Sounds awesome, thanks @thomasheyenbrock!

Having seen the availability of [`DowngradeEnumToConstantListClassRector`](https://github.com/rectorphp/rector-downgrade-php/blob/main/docs/rector_rules_overview.md#downgradeenumtoconstantlistclassrector), I attempted to add Enums to my code, with the intention to downgrade it to PHP 7.1. Enums themselves are downgraded well. This code:...

I've done the mapping (as part of writing [this article](https://stepzen.com/blog/graphql-mapping-error-messages-to-generic-codes) concerning generic error codes). @IvanGoncharov Is this what you had in mind? The table below contains 3 colums: - **Message:**...

I just published how I scoped my WordPress plugin: https://graphql-api.com/blog/graphql-api-for-wp-is-now-scoped-thanks-to-php-scoper/