Leonardo Losoviz

Results 55 comments of Leonardo Losoviz

@ChrisLahaye I have implemented a solution to this problem, but it requires a new feature (#682) which I've been told has close to zero chance of being added to the...

I've now been able to find a GraphQL-compatible solution (the one in my previous comment was not). If the GraphQL server has a good support for custom directives, then a...

@benjie I don't see there's an issue in the GitHub repo concerning `struct`, and I can't add a comment on `rfcs/Struct.md`, so I make an observation here. (Maybe you want...

> That's the idea behind struct union - you'd say something like [...] My idea is different: to be able to use a random endpoint, without having to modify the...

> What are potential use-cases for directives that transform the actual behavior of an existing directive? I have a couple of directives that modify the behavior of the contiguous directive(s)...

@n1ru4l I acknowledge that not everybody likes this solution, but I don't think it makes the use case invalid. There are examples of things we can do in different ways...

@rivantsov You have a point! The question was about directives modifying the behavior of other directives, which happens with `@forEach`, but it works by being applied on the same field,...

@acjay This article is a terrific read, thanks for writing it! Concerning GraphQL being a (meta-)scripting language, that currently doesn't completely ring true to me, because it's hidden, very hidden...

awesome! thanks to your for the plugin! :) btw, I have my website already on a dev server, so you can see my Resources page here: http://dev.mesym.com/en/resources/ This is the...

Hi Jonathan, have you given a thought to this issue? I'll need to have a solution soon, I can possibly help develop it, but then of course I need you...