> Did you try this ? https://javascript.plainenglish.io/youre-missing-a-trick-with-your-styled-components-in-react-e3dfcd586f75 Still not easy to locate deep components. Class name like `[path][name]__[local]` generated by [localidentname](https://github.com/webpack-contrib/css-loader#localidentname) would be more clear.
Thanks for your attention. We will provide a roadmap for the components library.
How did you import and customize the styles?
You might just import your custom styles after the `main.scss ` ```javascript import '@kube-design/components/esm/styles/main.scss' import 'scss/main.scss' ```
Please check the logs of ks pods(ks-console, ks-apigateway, ks-account) of kubesphere-system namespace.