babel-plugin-styled-components copied to clipboard
Is there any way to customize the displayName?
Currently, the plugin generates displayName
for each styled components, but it is still difficult to locate the components.
The plugin uses basename as the displayName
If the application structure is complex, it is difficult for developers to identify the specific component location.
├── App.jsx
├── components
│ └── Button.jsx
├── containers
│ └── Deployment
│ ├── Detail
│ │ └── Pods
│ │ └── index.jsx
│ └── List
│ └── Pods
│ └── index.jsx
└── index.js
The generated class names are as follows. It's hard to find where the components are.
<div class="App__Wrapper-sc-9d0fbo-0 hsPRIg">
<button class="Button-sc-1di3gv3-0 ctbGRz">Demo</button>
<div class="Pods__Wrapper-pvtrrb-0 BbPba">Pods</div>
<div class="Pods__Wrapper-sc-1lhbc8l-0 iZjakt">Podsxx</div>
It would be clearer to add the path information to the classname. Just like localIdentName: "[path][name]__[local]"
in the css-loader
Expected result:
<div class="src-App__Wrapper-sc-9d0fbo-0 jYLwfT">
<button class="src-components-Button__Button-sc-1di3gv3-0 eoYfAf">Demo</button>
<div class="src-containers-Deployment-Detail-Pods-index__Wrapper-pvtrrb-0 hLUIgr">Pods</div>
<div class="src-containers-Deployment-List-Pods-index__Wrapper-sc-1lhbc8l-0 ctyXxP">Podsxx</div>
Did you try this ?
Did you try this ?
Still not easy to locate deep components. Class name like [path][name]__[local]
generated by localidentname would be more clear.