Lev Sokolov
Lev Sokolov
@devMEremenko could you merge this please? It's the fastest result so far
Please create a PR
@smitt04 Thank you, your solution works.
http://gist.github.com with a link to own copy of the script can be used as `cssPath` from installation manual. No need to store it locally. If the network / gist is...
Get `session.totalDuration` in `func nextLevel(nextLevel: NextLevel, didAppendVideoSampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, inSession: NextLevelSession)`
`shouldAutoRotate` is called before the orientation update. You can ask top child if it does support rotation or not.
I recommend to use this repo: https://github.com/VLprojects/mediasoup-client-swift * Swift wrapper * XCFramework * one liner building script * fresh version
By using [this](https://github.com/VLprojects/mediasoup-client-swift) repo and modifying `build.sh` to whatever version you want
That's pretty much top 1 crash for us as well. Most of crashes happen when there's less than 100MB RAM left
You can try to discard channels within HK by providing a channel map. Negative value is used to discard an input channel: ``` myStream.audioSettings.outputChannelsMap = [0: 0, 1: 1, 2:...