Hi @mhurtrel have you any news ?
Hi, Possible to have a new information for this issue ?
Hi @mhurtrel have you any news ?
Hi, @hsablonniere Have you any news for me ? It's linked to https://github.com/CleverCloud/clever-tools/pull/447 FYI @Nowadays
hi, @hsablonniere it's possible to merge this contribution ? FYI @Nowadays
Hi @irbekrm Yes, in my case we have a prometheus-operator deployed on Managed Kubernetes cluster, this prometheus scrapped many prometheus (Prometheus Federate feature). And for simplify the management we relabelings...
Hi, have you need a new information for this issue ?
Hi, what's the status for this feature ?
+1 for namespaceOverride
Hello, Why not, but I've never done java, so I don't know if I'll be able to produce something quickly.