http://old.wowhead.com/spell=61257#used-by-itemset Runic Power Back on Snare/Root Rank 5 Whenever you are struck by a movement-impairing effect you will generate 15 runic power over 5 sec. http://www.wowwiki.com/Snare - it is STRUCK...
If yerr need moar info on that subject,let me know i'll try to provide it Thanks for your hard work anyway :p
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpzEHKVOevw 5:50 - The buff icon looks exacly like warriors second wind http://www.wowhead.com/spell=61258 Runic Return Generates 3 runic power every 1 sec. 5 seconds remaining By albido100 (6·32) on 07/11/2010...
http://www.wowpedia.org/Snare oh well i did check wowpedia which is kept up to date and it says infected wounds and ice armor is snare after all,i believe DK didn't get RP...
Ok mate,im looking for sum video with good quality :P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teIODQeVjOI&feature=related 9:28 +- when he grips mage and get ice armor debuff Ice armor doesn't proc 4P Looking for video which confirms if infected wounds proc 4P Can't find any...
at TC,oh ok then i do not need to test things out :P
i believe i already did This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpzEHKVOevw tell us pretty much everything http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teIODQeVjOI&feature=related 9:27+ show us that ice armor should NOT proc 4P back to info about all of ur...
DK - chain of ice Druid - feral charge;Entangling Roots hunter - wing clip;frost trap;Concussive Shot;Charge (pet);Counterattack[http://www.wowhead.com/spell=19306/counterattack];Entrapment;[Venom Web Spray] (pet);Web (pet) mage - frostbolt;cone of cold;blast wave;slow;frost nova;frostbite priest -...
http://www.wowwiki.com/Root http://www.wowwiki.com/Snare Meh cmn fidning all videos with classes using THAT skills is like impossible to do :< Every video is from cata nao,Cataclysm there - cataclysm here.HEY LOOK BEHIND...