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[DK] PVP 4P bonus and PVP glove bonus
For ex.
Whenever you are struck by a movement-impairing effect you will generate 15 runic power over 5 sec.
Roots works,mage slow and lock confraglate(?) daze thingy,all other stuff like poisons doesn't work.
(stuns shouldn't activate runic power return from 4P)
Your Chains of Ice ability now generates an additional 5 runic power. Wowhead shows 10 but it is 5.
It works sometimes but its SUPPPPER rare :>
for first - getting stuck means that you can't move, with slows you can move, just with decreased speed for second, use, for example
Runic Power Back on Snare/Root Rank 5 Whenever you are struck by a movement-impairing effect you will generate 15 runic power over 5 sec.
- it is STRUCK not stuck :p
Deadly Gladiator's Dreadplate: The set bonus will now trigger properly from Crippling Poison.
Check 3.2 patch notes (ITEMS) line number 5
"for example" Still shows 10 instead of 5 :p but will do from now on
-Sorry for closing,clicked comment & close again.. damn it :P
edit: There is no internal cooldown on this effect any additional snares will just reset the 5 second timer. just in case:)
If yerr need moar info on that subject,let me know i'll try to provide it
Thanks for your hard work anyway :p
Confirmed. Only works on slow effects like Frostbolt.
about 4P bonus, take a look at the current code
// only for spells and hit/crit (trigger start always) and not start from self casted spells
if (procSpell == 0 || !(procEx & (PROC_EX_NORMAL_HIT|PROC_EX_CRITICAL_HIT)) || this == pVictim)
this should say you something ^^ ofc i don't know if it's okay or no, need some more confirmations, video with applying this one from mage's Slow would be enough
and i still can't figure out why gauntlet bonus is bugged :/ it even doesn't proc... tried many combinations of proc flags and etc, seems bugged somewhere in the code that handle proc auras
5:50 - The buff icon looks exacly like warriors second wind
Runic Return Generates 3 runic power every 1 sec. 5 seconds remaining
By albido100 (6·32) on 07/11/2010 (Patch 3.3.5) Caused by the Death Knight 4pc PvP set bouns
There's no internal cd on this so any addtional snares should reset 5 second timer ( 5 sec again i mean :p )
hope it explains everything nao :p
hm, as i see at video it also does proc from Frost Trap and Earthbind Totem, but not proc from Infected Wounds and Ice Armor... really confused now
Looks like it does proc from all spells with SPELL_DAMAGE_CLASS_MAGIC that doesn't have SPELL_ATTR3_NO_INITIAL_AGGRO
oh well i did check wowpedia which is kept up to date and it says infected wounds and ice armor is snare after all,i believe DK didn't get RP return buff because he was stunned * Pounce * and pounce does NOT proc this,also check this movie i did give ya ( 6:00 when DK manages to land melee hit on mage it looks like RP return did proc from ice armor [ buff lasts longer then it normally does] ) /\ What i mean: DK did get hit by frost bolt and slow has been applied - buff lasts 4 seconds,when he gets to mage and ice armor buff proc,the buff still lasts 4 seconds,which must mean that 4P timer did reset after getting ice armor debuff
ediT: back to infected wounds,seems like this one doesn't work on 4P - blizz bug mby? :> who knows,but im pretty sure ice armor proc it
at 6:00 it proc from previously launched Frostbolt, not from Ice Armor, maybe some latency problem for this DK. You should find more videos that will show us more cases
Ok mate,im looking for sum video with good quality :P 9:28 +- when he grips mage and get ice armor debuff Ice armor doesn't proc 4P
Looking for video which confirms if infected wounds proc 4P Can't find any :< but looks like it doesn't from the video i posted earlier
Seems to work from frost nova,frost shock,roots,fb slow,cone of cold Doesnt work: rogue poisons,earthbind,feral charge,harmstring,pierceing howl,Chains of ice,wing clip,concussive shot doesn't work
^ That's not everything,it's all i tested so far
If ya need moar info let me know <:
Seems to work from frost nova,frost shock,roots,fb slow,cone of cold
Doesnt work: rogue poisons,earthbind,feral charge,harmstring,pierceing howl,Chains of ice,wing clip,concussive shot doesn't work
at TrinityCore or at videos? I don't need to know how it works at our core
at TC,oh ok then i do not need to test things out :P
Better for you to find more cases in videos and provide them, this will help to find a rule And even better to find info about all of your previously mentioned cases
i believe i already did This: tell us pretty much everything 9:27+ show us that ice armor should NOT proc 4P
back to info about all of ur previously mentioned cases,buff name clearly tell us that it should proc from snares and roots and i gave ya list of snares and video show us that infected wounds doesn't proc 4P ( mby bugged at retail,who knows,but it does not ) unless ya need something more so tell me cuz i dunno what i should provide ya with :p
I'm still waiting for more complete list of spells that should/shouldn't do proc
DK - chain of ice Druid - feral charge;Entangling Roots hunter - wing clip;frost trap;Concussive Shot;Charge (pet);Counterattack[];Entrapment;[Venom Web Spray] (pet);Web (pet) mage - frostbolt;cone of cold;blast wave;slow;frost nova;frostbite priest - mindfly rogue - crippling poison;deadly throw shaman - frostshock;earthbind totem;Storm, Earth and Fire(Talent) warlock - curse of exhaustion warrior - harmstring;piercing howl;improved harmstring
That's all i believe that should proc 4P
from where this info comes? provide a links to trusted source for every case, i need to verify them all
Meh cmn fidning all videos with classes using THAT skills is like impossible to do :< Every video is from cata nao,Cataclysm there - cataclysm here.HEY LOOK BEHIND U! ITS CATACLYSM
That links i posted above are snares and roots and pretty much everything proc 4P expect Infected Wounds and chillblains,desecration ( frost and uh dk )
SO FAR: Warrior: Piercing Howl - - 0:21 Harmstring - - 4:56
Death Knight: Chains of Ice(before desecration) - - 5:29 Chillblains -
Druid: Typhoon (daze after typhoon) - - 1:28 Feral charge - Entangling Roots - 2:08(7) boomkin roots,kinda hard to spot ya gotta watch carefully
Mage: Frostbolt - - 9:05 Frost Nova - - 1:52 Blast Wave - - 4:58 Cone of Cold - - 5:15 Slow - 5:49 Frostbite - (Theres crip poison but u can see after frostbite proc that the timer reset) - 9:15
Shaman: Earthbind Totem - - 2:40 Frostshock - - 7:40 Storm, Earth and Fire(Talent) - 1:39 ( i suppose works as druid roots )
Rogue: Crippling Poison - - 1:35 Deadly Throw -
Warlock: Curse of exhaustion - 2:33+ shitty quality but u can see it if u watch carefully
Hunter: Wing clip - - 0:55 Frost trap - Concussive Shot - - 0:50 Charge (pet) - Counterattack - Entrapment - Venom Web Spray(pet) - Web (pet) -
Will edit moar sooner or later
@lendan: You're a legend! I'll help you to keep things up. :)
Confirmation of Crippling Poison at 1:00 And right after, Ice Armor of the mage DID NOT trigger it.
More to come later. Going to a wedding now.
There's almost everything on the list nao rest works pretty much like harmstring or improved harmstring expect venom web spray slash web (pet) which works as roots,do i need to look for video proof for that too? Cuz they're like impossible to find :< Will try ofc but mehhh
Still bugged. Please fix.