CAS in the cloud LELEU Jérôme
CAS in the cloud LELEU Jérôme
To fix the Memcached tests, I have added the `ConcurrentHashMap` class in the registered classes for Kryo. To fix the Ignite tests, I have added `--add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED` in the `JAVA_OPTS`...
After a delegated authentication at an OIDC provider, if this OIDC provider sends a logout request to the CAS server, the CAS server does not perform a CAS logout. It...
This PR is ready for merge but tagged as "WIP" to wait after the 7.1.0 release. As explained in this guide:, the "nonce" information of the "Content-Security-Policy" header should...
This PR is ready for merge but tagged as "WIP" to wait after the 7.1.0 release. This PR adds the Friendly Captcha support to the CAS server. A unit test...
Currently, when a new SSO session is created while an existing one already exists, the CAS server only destroys the existing TGT, but it does not perform a SLO. This...