Yuri Leikind
Yuri Leikind
### Your bug report or a question should **always** be accompanied by the following: - Version of the plugin - Version of Rails - Version of your browser(s) - RDBMS...
Instead of running `references` for every association in `:include` follow the semantics of Rails and add explicit #references to the API of the plugin
Can this library work in a multithreaded environment? Can a connection object be created rather than establishing an interpreter-global connection with AWS::S3::Base.establish_connection! ?
I think this word is not offensive nor obscene.
root = Network.build GithubRepos.new('addyosmani/jquery-ui-bootstrap') puts root.inspect => ``` addyosmani/jquery-ui-bootstrap (616) logicmd/jquery-bootstrap-slider (6) brocard/jquery-bootstrap-slider mouaistre/jquery-bootstrap-slider pepsin/jquery-bootstrap-slider sguha00/jquery-bootstrap-slider vgoklani/jquery-bootstrap-slider simonpatonza/jquery-bootstrap-slider t1gr0u/jquery-ui-bootstrap (2) tobpe/jquery-ui-bootstrap daviddeutsch/jquery-ui-bootstrap gtraxx/jquery-ui-bootstrap (1) JingwenTian/jquery-ui-bootstrap liushihyen/jquery-ui-bootstrap scottux/jquery-ui-bootstrap eliperelman/jquery-ui-bootstrap brennovich/jquery-ui-bootstrap (1)...