Awesome! Thanks for the patch. While reviewing the patch, I noticed that some code has only commented out and not removed. Is there any reason why we want to keep...
If not needed I would would opt that the dead code is removed. :) Can you remove it? or should I check how I can incorporate this wish? We need...
> I think I did remove it, is it not gone? this commit history is messy... Probably I had some caching issue or tomatos on my eyes. I did not...
Hi, Have we integrated the patch already? all the best Peter
Yes that is correct. Let me Quote Pedro Giffuni from the discussion: ``` While looking for candidates to remove stuff, consider stax. It is included in Java since JDK5. ```...
Is there a reason why multiple lines have now been addid into a single line?
I see. Thanks for the update. So far I am not negative to this proposal, but I have not checked the change within OpenOffice. Hope I can give feedback soon.
I am not sure if this is a bug or not. We should to investigate this further.
Wouldnt it make sense to "bind" the address the user use to the conversation itself? Then an email address change would always mean a conversation change. That maybe still annoyance...
> Binding the address to the currently configured address would require quite a bit of changes. And i am not sure it fits with all use cases -- just helped...